As part of the global shift toward a more strategic philanthropy, donors are increasingly seeking ways to better support grantee partners by creatively leveraging their resources and capabilities, such as reputation, convening power, and beyond.

By providing non-traditional methods of support that go beyond traditional grantmaking, donors can significantly accelerate impact, resulting in more strategic and equitable support for grantees, partners and communities.

As philantropy becomes more attuned to the needs of grantees, here are a few ways to explore going beyond monteary support:

Whatever additional or alternative support is given, it is critical that your grantees are involved in driving these decisions so that the support provided is based on their needs. In other words, providing alternatives to money for funded partners should be done only when your partners or grantees readily agree it makes sense from a strategic and time point of view.

Read the full PDF from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.